Friday, April 29, 2011

Fill in the Blank Friday!

Im copying my friend, Emily, over at Playground Duty and joining Fill in the Blank Friday!
So, here goes my first one!

1. I am looking forward to hopefully getting a new job, my baby showers, my friend, Kelli's bridal shower and bachelorette party that im throwing, and Kelli's wedding. Did I mention meeting Foster?

2. Something kind of embarassing that I still love anyway is trashy reality television, like the jersey shore, I LOVE it.

3. My favorite car is my car!!! I have a 2008 Nissan Altima 2.5SL and I love love love it. I got it loaded with all the features right after I graduated from Penn State with my Bachelors degree. I guess if I could have ANY car I would like a fully loaded Nissan Maxima.

4. If I could pick one type of weather to live with for the rest of my life it would be I would say about 68 to 74 degrees with a slight breeze. I dont like to be hot and I get hot easily.

5. My favorite thing to do after a bad/stressful day is cuddle with my husband. Today was a really rough day with the bleeding scare and being in the hospital and all I wanted to do was lay down on the couch and be close to him. Its so nice to have someone so invested in this whole thing (IF and then the pregnancy) with me and noone gets it like he does so he is my rock.

6. This weekend we were supposed to go to Cincinnati to go to the zoo and the aquarium for our anniversary. Justin told me that we could do whatever I wanted and I had been wanting to go do that so he was going to take me. Unfortunately I am not on bedrest for 3 days and we cant go anymore =( My mom is going to come over and cook a nice dinner for us for our anniversary since we cant go away now so that will be very nice! Sunday I am going to a baptism of a close friend's son and I cant wait to see them!

7. If I were a color, I'd be light green because, its my fav color right now =)

Scary morning for mommy and daddy!

I woke up this morning and went to the bathroom and the whole toilet was full of blood :::insert panic here::: I wasnt feeling my little guy moving at all and he is normally active in the morning so I panicked some more. I called my OBs office and it took FOREVER (15 min but it felt like forever!) to get thru to someone. They said to go straight to L&D. So DH turned around (he was just pulling in to work) and came home and got me and took me to the hospital.

When we got there we went up to labor and delivery and the bitchy (sorry for my language) receptionist was checking a couple in and wouldn't acknowledge us. I could feel the bleeding and I was panicking so finally after 5 minutes of so I creeped up to the desk and asked if I was in the right place. She didnt even look up at me and said "UH-HUH". I wanted to punch this woman but instead stood back waiting and crying. They finally checked us in and put me in a room. The nurse came in and hooked me up to the monitor and after a minute I heard his beautiful heartbeat which hadnt sounded quite that beautiful since the first time I heard it. Music to my ears. He was moving around and ok, thank goodness.

The Dr came in and did an internal... OUCH! and also some swabs. She also did an internal ultrasound to look at my cervix and placenta. At first she thought she saw clotting at my cervix or that my placenta was lying over the cervix but she said her view wasnt quite right so she had me go to the bathroom then we did it again. This time she thought the placenta position looked fine.

Then they drew blood to look at a bunch of stuff including clotting factors because they were worried I was having an abruption. The bloodwork came back ok so they said that they do not know where the blood is coming from.

They sent me home with 3 days of bedrest and orders to see my OB on monday (I cant get in till tues though). So, it was a heck of a morning.

On top of all of this I feel really bad because I think I caused this with a serious amount of stress yesterday. My boss is an awful person and really upset me the last two days then I learned he is planning to "phase me out" (aka fire me without telling me) and I am panicking about getting a new job 6 months pregnant. I have been wanting to quit because I am so mistreated so I really do need a new job anyways. He sent me a bunch of very mean emails yesterday and made a big to-do about me seeing more patients than is humanly possible today so this was the WORST day that this could have happened. Then all morning while at the hospital I was totally freaking out and worrying about work.... how backwards =(

Sunday, April 24, 2011

23 Weeks!

Far Along: 23 weeks!

How Big is The Baby: Not sure, he should be over 12 inches long and a pound and a half, I think.

Total Weight Gain: I think I am up a total of 12 pounds =(

Maternity Clothes: ALL maternity shirt and jeans I can still wear one pre-pregnancy pair but cant button or zip them barely at all. I just got a new pair of maternity jeans at Motherhood Maternity the other night so I will be wearing those now.

Sleep: I fall asleep early and easily but wake up at about 4 or 5 am and toss and turn the rest of the night.

GENDER: Sweet little baby boy!

Movement: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel little kicks and lots of pressure when he pushes down low below my belly button. Justin has felt him move twice and loves it!

Food Cravings: I am CONSTANTLY thirsty now. I crave juice and milk and orange soda. Also sweets, like cookies.

What I Miss: I miss drinking when we go out but not enough that I would trade this for it at all! I love being pregnant, I love the whole miracle.

What I'm looking forward to: His movements being stronger and feeling them more consistently.

Milestones: Movement and Justin feeling the movement.

Symptoms: Acid reflux, exhaustion, backaches, sore feet when I stand much. Im feeling pretty good these days as long I stay fed and dont try and bend over! haha!

Friday, April 22, 2011

A-Z Infertility

A - Age at Which you Started TTC: 24

B - Baby Dancing or Sex: Sex

C - Children Wanted: one - 2, I used to say three if the two were the same gender but now I just hope to have 2.

D - Dogs/Cats/Fill In Babies: 2 dogs and 2 cats

E - Essential Oils/Vitamins: I take a prenatalvitamin, vitamin D, COQ10, POM, bromelin

F - Fertility Meds I've Taken: Clomid, Menopur, Bravelle, Gonal-F, Follistim, Lupron, PIO-progesterone in oil, Estrace, Vivelle, Progester supps, doxycycline, dexamethasone, aspirin, and others I cant think of im sure.

G - Gain, What I have Gained from Infertility: A totally different perception of children, parenting and pregnancy. Patience. Real pain and heartache. Weight that I wish would go away!!!!

H - HSG: Yes at Riverside about 2 years ago.

I - Infertile Pet Peeve: Parents who arent greatful for their children, people who think getting pregnant is easy and can plan it, pregnant people who complain about how much they hate being pregnant.

J - Job Title: Registered Nurse Case Manager

K - Kids Names you are Afraid will be Taken: Most of them already were before we conceived.

L - Lengh of Time TTC - 2 years

M - Miscarriages: None

N - Number of Times you have Swiched REs: 2

O - Overian Quality: Crap- I dont ovulate, I have polycystic ovaries, my ovaries dont produce the right hormones in the right amounts.

P - POAS or Wait for AF: I was a die hard POASer until our IVF when I waited it out and got completely crushed by the BFN call from the nurse and then POAS with my FET.

Q - Quote from an Obnoxious Fertile: Maybe you just havent tried long enough. UGH.

S - Sperm: Not so good. Low motility and only 3% morph

T - Time you Tried Naturally -before seeing a dr and starting clomid it was about 4 months. I stopped having a period so they did some testing and started me on meds.

U - Uterus Quality: Good, as far as I know.

V - Vagina: I have one.

W - What Babt Stuff do you Already Have: I have lots because we are 23 weeks pregnant!!!!

X - Xtra, Xtra, Hear all about it! How many people know about your TTC Journey: Closest girl friends and friends I know from this journey. Our families also know. Now that we are pregnant we are sharing it with more people.

Y - Yearly Exam: Yes ma'am

Z - Zits: My poor face misses my good facewash that I cant use now because I am pregnant.

Friday, April 15, 2011

22 Weeks and a pic with Justin!

Far Along: 22 weeks!

How Big is The Baby: He should be over a pound by now =)

Total Weight Gain: As of last OB visit I was up 7 pounds total, havent been to OB in about a week and a half.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity shirts are a total must because regular clothes arent long enough. Pants is still both, but I cant button or zip my normal jeans all the way.

Sleep: I sleep well but I wake up early and cant really sleep in.


Movement: I think that I started to feel it yesterday but I am not 100% positive.

Food Cravings: sweet things, milk, ALWAYS THIRSTY! Ice cream!

What I Miss: bending over without feeling like I am squishing and making a noise like I am grunting, lol.

What I'm looking forward to: Knowing that what I am feeling is Foster moving and DH getting to feel him kick.

Milestones: Possibly feeling movement.

Symptoms: REALLY bad acid reflux, migraines, frequent urination, much bigger appetite, tired, back pain, hip pain. This past 2 weeks I started to feel really big, like very pregnant feeling and hard to bend and pick things up and uncomfortable to put on shoes etc.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

21 Weeks!

Far Along: 21 weeks!

How Big is The Baby: On wednesday they told us that he weighed 15 ounces, so almost a pound! He is also measuring about a week ( 6 days ) ahead.

Total Weight Gain: As of last OB visit I was up 7 pounds total

Maternity Clothes: Maternity shirts are a total must because regular clothes arent long enough. Pants is still both, but I cant button or zip my normal jeans all the way.

Sleep: This goes back and forth. During the week my body wants to sleep and on the weekends I wake up bright and early.

GENDER: Little man =)

Movement: Still waiting. Thought that maybe I felt a kick on 4/8/11 but I am not sure.

Food Cravings: sweet things, milk, ALWAYS THIRSTY! Ice cream.

What I Miss: bending over without feeling like I am squishing and making a noise like I am grunting, lol.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling Foster move finally!!!!!

Milestones: My birthday was today (4/10) so I am 26 now and it was my last birthday without having an outside baby.

Symptoms: REALLY bad acid reflux, HORRIBLE MIGRAINE HEADACHES, frequent urination, much bigger appetite, tired, back pain, hip pain. This week I started to feel really big, like very pregnant feeling and hard to bend and pick things up and uncomfortable to put on shoes etc.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Part 3 of Level 2 U/S at the hospital

Everything looked good and after the past 8 weeks of Foster being breech he was head down today. I am sure that he will flip many more times but its nice to know that he isnt completely avoiding it, haha.

Anywho... everything continues to look good. We had increased fluid in one quadrant but nothing to worry about now they said. They also said that because of our high risk status for heart defects they are sending us to Children's hospital to have a fetal echo done (a specialized heart ultrasound basically) and then they wanna see us back at the MFM in 4 weeks. He still brings up amnio which we told him we would possibly do at some point after 28 weeks and he completely agreed and was fine with it. So no downs markers seen this week.

I guess the only thing that confuses me is that I thought I would have the level 2 u/s and then if things looked good they would be done with me and I would be back to just seeing my OB. Instead they always have us come back in 2, 3 or 4 weeks and they send us for other specialized tests. I am glad they are being cautious and thorough but I just wonder if we are much higher risk than they are portraying. It seems like maybe they dont want to worry us too badly or make us freak out. I am sure when they are telling us that things look good they actually are but I guess we are just really high risk. We will see what happens at the echo in two weeks!

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Today marks one year since I started this blog and made my first blog post!!!!

I ant believe how much has happened in this last year. When I started this blog we had been TTC for 11 months already. We had been through 8 medicated cycles and a couple (cant remember how many at that point) IUIs. Since I started it we did more IUIs, an IVF and a second frozen IVF (FET), got pregnant, STAYED pregnant and I am a little over half-baked. Oh how a year can change so much. 2010 was by far the most trying and painful year of our lives and this year it is so different.

I cant wait to look back at my 2 year blogaversary and see what the next year holds!

Thanks to all my readers/followers. I love you all!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

HALF BAKED! (20 weeks)

Far Along: 20 weeks!!! I am HALF-BAKED!

How Big is The Baby: He is growing to be a big little boy. At the OB on wednesday we had our anatomy scan and they said his weight was 13 ounces, so he is almost a pound! They cannot measure his length anymore because he is too long to stretch out. This week he should be bigger than a cantaloupe.

Total Weight Gain: According to the OB's records I am up 7 pounds total.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity shirts only really. Pants is still mostly normal jeans but not buttoned and only zipped a little bit, held up by a BE Band.

Sleep: Other than waking up to pee a TON and our dog, Lola, deciding that she has to go out in the middle of every night too, I am doing ok.

GENDER: Little man =)

Movement: WAITING, WAITING, WAITING... I am still so sad that I have this anterior placenta!

Food Cravings: sweet things, milk, ALWAYS THIRSTY!

What I Miss: lunch meat.... to be honest, I am eating it but only once in a while and I wish I would eat a sub every day for lunch. I feel like the things that I want to eat are all the things I am not supposed to be eating.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling Foster move finally!!!!!

Milestones: Hitting the half way point!

Symptoms: REALLY bad acid reflux, HORRIBLE MIGRAINE HEADACHES, frequent urination, much bigger appetite, tired, back pain, hip pain.