Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here I am again

with more bad news. I went this morning for my CD13 ultrasound and blood work. My follie scan showed follies at 9.5, 10.8, and 12.9mm. This means that the follies are growing VERY slow and have only grown about 2mm or less each since last friday even with the higher dose (150IU). So I waited to get the plan form here on out until they called with my blood work. E2 was only 66, so we are upping the gonal-f to 225IU daily and I am going back on friday to see where we have gotten.

I am beside myself with disappointment. I am hoping for a miracle here.


  1. My next phase of treatment is Gonal-f. I am surprised your stomach is all brused. I thought they were just little pen-needles. Now I am kinda freaked out!

    I am praying things start progressing more rapidly for you!!!

  2. I'm sorry. I know that's disappointing. I'll keep you in my thoughts!

  3. Aw! So sorry to hear about your disappointing news! Hoping for a miracle for you!

    ICLW #81
