Saturday, July 24, 2010

Im supposed to put that WHERE!?!

Today the progesterone support starts. Tonight I have to start using progesterone suppositories. Yep, you heard me right SUPPOSITORIES. They came in the mail and I was like.... "I GOTTA PUT THOSE WHERE?!?!?!". Well its not my butt ladies and gentlemen. They look like oral gelcaps filled with powder. I will let you how this goes tomorrow. I have to insert one each night and make sure to lay flat for at least 15 minutes after. I am going to do them before bed each night :/


  1. lol - just wrote a post a couple of weeks ago with my challenge of getting some estrogen tablets "up there." Good luck with both the prgesterone and of course for a BFP!
    Beth ICLW #148

  2. Stock up on the panty liners! I hope all the wooha buisness helps you find that sticky bean! Good luck!!!

  3. Happy ICLW! And yes, those lovely progesterone 'pills' do require panty liners. I hope your last IUI is the last treatment you need!

  4. Yikes! I hope all goes smoothly! lol

    I am pulling for you. I hope this is your cycle!!

  5. Happy ICLW cutie.

    Yes, you put that there :) The things we do to get knocked up.


  6. Good luck! Fingers crossed that this is it and no IVF will be required. Happy ICLW x

  7. Good luck and happy ICLW!!! I am looking forward to following your journey.

  8. Fun! I have the kind where there is a stick to help insert it...3 times a day though...:(

  9. I'm doing the same thing! Only mine are shorter and fatter, but I have to do 3 each night. Then the outside gel cap melts and I feel like I've peed my pants all night. It's a joy, I tell ya! :)
